Legacy Software


Below are software downloads for legacy versions and End Of Life products.

If you cannot find what you need, or require any other information or help, please contact us directly, and we'll do our best to assist you.

User documentation and tutorials for End Of Life products can be found in Legacy Products.

Safari users: To download ZIP and TGZ files, Ctrl+click on the link and select Download Linked File from the menu, to prevent Safari decompressing the installation packages.

CODEX Device Manager and Production Suite

Device Manager for macOS - 7.4.2-06309 (57.1MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.4.1-06280 (57.1MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.4.0-06257 (57.1MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.3.4-06256 (56.9MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.3.3-06243 (56.9MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.3.2-06215 (56.6MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.2.1-06181 (52.3MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.1.2-06072 (52.3MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 7.0.4-05946 (52.1MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 6.2.1-05893 (46.7MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 6.2.0-05863 (50.3MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 6.1.2-05851 (45.6MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 6.0.2-05766 (46.8MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 6.0.1-05744 (46.8MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 5.1.3-05695 (114MB)

Vault Platform & Review UI for macOS - 5.1.3beta-05695 (81.6MB)

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 5.1.3beta-05695 (374.2MB)

Vault UI Standalone - 5.1.3beta-05695 (30.6MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 5.1.2-05605 (111.1MB)

Vault Platform & Review UI for macOS - 5.1.2-05605 (81.6MB)

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 5.1.2-05605 (374.2MB)

Vault UI Standalone - 5.1.2-05605 (30.6MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 5.1.1-05490 (110.6MB)

Vault Platform & Review UI for macOS - 5.1.1-05490 (81.5MB)

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 5.1.1-05490, (318MB)

Vault UI Standalone - 5.1.1-05490 (30.6MB)

Device Manager for macOS - 5.0.0-05345 115MB PKG

Vault Platform & Review UI for macOS - 5.0.0-05345 85.1MB PKG

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 5.0.0-05345 315.2MB TGZ

Device Manager for macOS - 4.7.2-05181 115MB PKG

Vault Platform & Review UI for macOS - 4.7.2-05181 85.1MB PKG

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 4.7.2-05181 315.2MB TGZ

Device Manager for macOS - 4.7.1-05144 114.5MB PKG

Vault Platform & Review UI for macOS - 4.7.1-05144 84MB PKG

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 4.7.1-05144 312.9MB TGZ

Production Suite for Mac - 4.6.9-05077  163.8MB PKG

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 4.6.9-05077 281MB TGZ

Vault UI Standalone - 4.6.9-05077 8.2MB DMG

Production Suite for Mac - 4.5.3-04714 128MB ZIP

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 4.5.3-04714 350MB TGZ

Production Suite for Mac - 4.1.3-04596 128MB ZIP

Production Suite for Vault S and XL - 4.1.3-04596 350MB TGZ

CODEX Recorders

CODEX Onboard Recorder

System software for the Codex Onboard. Please read the Installation instructions
onboard-2012.r2.2610.tgz 187MB TGZ file See installation instructions

You can find the Windows and Mac user interface software below, or alternatively they can be found in the resources share of the Onboard.

CODEX Capture Drive Dock (USB-3), (Thunderbolt), (SAS)

ALEXA SXT requires the latest Production Suite software (minimum version 4.1).
SXT users should NOT use DTS-3.0 software with footage recorded on the SXT.

Legacy software for Capture Drive Docks on OS X 10.9. Please read the Capture Drive Dock (SAS) Installation instructions or Capture Drive Dock (USB-3) Installation instructions
Capture Drive Dock (USB-3) Software Pack 3.0.0-02735 40MB ZIP file
Capture Drive Dock (SAS) Software Pack 3.0.0-02735 43MB ZIP file
Capture Drive Dock (Thunderbolt) Software Pack 3.0.0-02735 39MB ZIP file

Capture Drive Dock (USB-3) Software Pack 2014.r1.2001 35MB ZIP file
Capture Drive Dock (SAS) Software Pack 2014.r1.2001 37MB ZIP file

codexserver-osx-2012.r2.2612.dmg 22MB DMG file Change notes

OSXFUSE is required for all Capture Drive Docks:

OSXFUSE-2.5.4 6.3MB DMG file - ***IMPORTANT***: If using Codex software before version 2012.r2.2612 check box to install MacFUSE compatibility layer when installing OSXFUSE.

The Capture Drive Dock SAS also requires the following third-party software. Please ensure you are running the versions below:

FTDI USB Serial driver v2.2.16 420KB DMG file Not required for Capture Drive Dock (USB-3).
ATTO ExpressSAS H680 drivers v2.03 1.4MB DMG file
ATTO ExpressSAS H680 config tool v3.37 13.0MB DMG file
Check the version of firmware running on your ATTO H680 controller, and if necessary upgrade to the version below using the ATTO configuration tool ATTO ExpressSAS H680 firmware 19.05.2011 2.8MB DMG file

CODEX Studio Range

The CODEX Studio Range encompasses the Studio Recorder and Digital Lab systems. The software releases below can be installed on all of these systems.

codex-2012.r1.1103-sas.tgz 50MB TGZ file

All of these versions are installed in the same way. See Instructions for installing Codex Studio System Software.

CODEX User Interface Software for Windows

This must be matched to the CODEX system software version.

codexui-win-2012.r2.2610.zip 3MB ZIP file
codexui-win-2012.r1.1103.zip 3MB ZIP file

These programs are installed by simply placing all the files in the package in one directory, and running drui.exe. You may wish to create a shortcut to drui.exe on your desktop.

CODEX User Interface Software for Mac OS X

This must be matched to the CODEX system software version.

codexui-osx-2012.r2.2612.dmg 4.2MB DMG file
codexui-osx-2012.r2.2610.dmg 4.2MB DMG file
codexui-osx-2012.r1.1103.dmg 4MB DMG file

Open the .dmg file and drag the CODEX UI application package into Applications. The application is a universal binary and so will run on PowerPC and Intel Macs.

CODEX User Interface Software for ALEXA XT

This must be matched to the ALEXA XT software version.

Codex UI for ALEXA XT SUP 8.0 5.1 MB dmg file

Other CODEX Software

Everything here is intended primarily for CODEX support and demands a fair level of specialist knowledge. If in doubt, please contact CODEX support for more information.

Programs to do background offloading of material to backup storage and data tape: offloader-1.01n.tgz 817KB TGZ file
offloader-0.99j.tgz 532KB TGZ file
offloader-0.99i.tgz 529KB TGZ file
tapeoffloader-1.01n.tgz 858KB TGZ file
tapeoffloader-1.01g.tgz 817KB TGZ file
tapeoffloader-1.01f.tgz 818KB TGZ file

Miscellaneous downloads. Use only as directed by CODEX support:

ATTO Celerity FC-8xEN drivers v1.30 (8Gb cards only) 368KB TGZ file
ATTO Celerity FC drivers v2.63 (older cards) 370KB TGZ file
Myricom 10GbE drivers v1.5.1 720KB TGZ file
Our support team is available to answer any questions:

Telephone and email support is available 8.30am - 5.30pm GMT Monday to Friday through our teams in London and Los Angeles.

Support Email: support@codex.online
US Support: +1 323 283 8929
UK Support: +44 203 7000 999
Saturday 23rd 9am - 5pm GMT
Sunday 24th 9am - 5pm GMT
Monday 25th CLOSED - Merry Christmas!
Tuesday 26th 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
Wednesday 27th 9am - 5pm GMT | 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
Thursday 28th 9am - 5pm GMT | 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
Friday 29th 9am - 5pm GMT | 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
Saturday 30th 9am - 5pm GMT
Sunday 31st 9am - 5pm GMT
Monday 1st CLOSED - Happy New Year!
Tuesday 2nd Normal hours resume

Privacy Policy

Effective date: May 25, 2018
Last updated: November 9, 2020