Compact Drive Dock (Thunderbolt 3)


Recording Media Compatibility

The Compact Drive Dock is compatible with the Compact Drive (CX.0001002 / CX.0001073).

Operating System

The Compact Drive Dock can be used on Mac or Windows.

OS Versions

The minimum required OS versions to use the Compact Drive Dock are:

  • macOS 10.14.4
  • Windows 10*

*For full support of the ARRI UDF file system, we recommend the following Windows versions or above:

  • Windows 10: 2022-06 Cumulative Update KB5014666
  • Windows 11: 2022-06 Cumulative Update KB5014668

Drivers and Licenses

There is no driver or licence required for the Compact Drive Dock. It can be used as a “plug and play” device.

Device Manager and HDE

The Compact Drive and Dock can be used with Device Manager and HDE on macOS. (Device Manager and HDE are not available on Windows).

Connection Speeds

The connection speed of the Compact Drive Dock depends on the type of Thunderbolt connection. With Thunderbolt 3 the dock can transfer up to 20Gb/sec.

We recommend connecting the Dock directly to a Thunderbolt 3 port that is not shared to obtain the highest throughput and reliability. The Compact Drive Dock will then provide a connection speed of 20 Gb/s. If the Dock is connected to a port that is shared with other Thunderbolt devices on the same system, the connection speed and reliability may be reduced.

Connecting the Compact Drive Dock

When using a Mac:

  • Connect the Compact Drive Dock to the included Power Supply.
  • Connect the Compact Drive Dock to the Mac host with a Thunderbolt 3 cable before booting the Mac, or,
  • If the Mac is already booted, connect the Thunderbolt 3 cable to the Compact Drive Dock first and then to the Mac host.

Connecting on Mac with either of the above methods will result in the Compact Drive Dock providing the best performance.

Please note that USB-C cables look very similar to Thunderbolt cables, but will not work with Thunderbolt devices. Please make sure the Thunderbolt cable is properly rated for use, as they can vary depending on the manufacturer. If you experience reliability issues then try another cable, or a cable from another supplier.

Compatible Cabling

The following cable types have been tested and are known to work with the Compact Drive Dock:

  • 0.5m Thunderbolt 3 cable (passive type)
  • 1-2m Thunderbolt 3 cable (active type)


The Compact Drive Dock has an LED on the rear of the unit between the power and Thunderbolt connectors. This LED will illuminate blue if power is successfully connected, and green if both power and Thunderbolt are successfully connected.

When a Compact Drive is loaded the LED on the Compact Drive will illuminate green, provided both power and Thunderbolt are successfully connected. When the Compact Drive is ejected, the LED will turn off and the Compact Drive can be safely removed from the Dock.

Safely Ejecting a Compact Drive

Here are the recommended methods to eject a CODEX Compact Drive using macOS and Windows operating systems:

Using the Device Manager menu bar app, hover over Compact Drive - TB3 and choose the Eject option. Ensure you see the status Unloaded displayed in the summary, and that the LED on the media has stopped blinking. It is now safe to remove the Compact Drive from the Compact Drive Dock.

Use the Safely Remove Hardware option in the taskbar to ensure the Compact Drive is safely unmounted. Ensure the LED on the media has stopped blinking. It is now safe to remove the Compact Drive from the Compact Drive Dock.

PLEASE NOTE: Removing CODEX media from a Media Station without ejecting it properly could result in data loss.

Alternative Setups

Use with the SXR Capture Drive Dock
You can daisy chain the Compact Drive Dock to the open Thunderbolt 3 port on the SXR Capture Drive dock.

Please note that when daisy chaining Thunderbolt devices, you will be sharing the bandwidth of a single Thunderbolt bus across all daisy chained devices. This may reduce the maximum read speed achieved by an individual device.
Using a Thunderbolt 2 > Thunderbolt 3 Adapter
Thunderbolt 2 > Thunderbolt 3 adapters may limit throughput. Ideally the Dock should be connected directly to a Thunderbolt 3 port. For optimum performance, connect each device to a separate Thunderbolt bus.
Use with Mac Pro 2013

The Compact Drive Dock can be used with a Mac Pro 2013 model in the following setups:

  • Connected via a Thunderbolt 2 to 3 Adaptor - official Apple adaptors are recommended.
  • Connected to the Thunderbolt 3 loop port directly.

Updating Firmware

For information on updating firmware on any CODEX Media Station, please see the Updating Firmware on CODEX Media Stations section of the Device Manager help page.

Technical Specifications

InterfaceThunderbolt 3
Operating SystemmacOS 10.14.4 / Windows 10
Connection SpeedUp to 20 Gb/s
Power12V / 2.5A using supplied AC adapter
Dimensions132 x 124 x 37mm
Operating Temperature-5°C ~ 40°C [25°F ~ 104°F]
Operating relative humidityto 95% [non-condensing]
Storage Humidityto 95% [non-condensing]
Insertion/removable durability10,000 actions
Warranty1 year limited warranty
Product CodeCX.0001007

Our support team is available to answer any questions:

Telephone and email support is available 8.30am - 5.30pm GMT Monday to Friday through our teams in London and Los Angeles.

Support Email:
US Support: +1 323 283 8929
UK Support: +44 203 7000 999
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Sunday 24th 9am - 5pm GMT
Monday 25th CLOSED - Merry Christmas!
Tuesday 26th 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
Wednesday 27th 9am - 5pm GMT | 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
Thursday 28th 9am - 5pm GMT | 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
Friday 29th 9am - 5pm GMT | 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
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Monday 1st CLOSED - Happy New Year!
Tuesday 2nd Normal hours resume

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Effective date: May 25, 2018
Last updated: November 9, 2020